Headshot Photography Studio
In need of a professionally-taken headshot to use in your book, website, social media or publicity? Then get your photo taken at the Bournemouth Writing Festival!

What You'll Get
Located at our main Festival Hub at the Pavilion Dance, step inside our private photo studio for professional headshots by Solid Imagery.
For £45, you'll get​
Professional lighting, backdrops and cameras;
Minimum of 12 downloadable photos for you to use as you like - you don't need to pay anything more or for licence or usage fees;
A range of backdrops, poses or styles, directed by a professional photographer;
15-minute sessions to get what you need;
Make-up area in the dressing rooms of Pavilion Dance;
Bring props, or your books too, if you want to pose with them!
Slots available on Friday, Saturday and Sunday of the Festival.